Due to the ongoing construction site for the renovation of the Museum, unfortunately, the visit to the room with classical ceramics may be inconvenienced.
Due to the ongoing construction site for the renovation of the Museum, unfortunately, the visit to the room with classical ceramics may be inconvenienced.
Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza
Viale Baccarini n. 19
48018 Faenza (RA)
tel: +39 0546 69 73 11
Email: info@micfaenza.org
Fondazione MIC Museo Internazionale
delle Ceramiche in Faenza – Onlus
Sede legale: Via Campidori n. 2
48018 Faenza (RA)
tel: +39 0546 69 73 11
Email: info@micfaenza.org
PEC: fondazione.mic@pec.it
P.I. 02067320396 CF 90020390390
Codice Destinatario: USAL8PV