This group of works offers a view of the world, documenting the international artistic languages expressed by interesting and rich ceramic cultures from the second half of the 20th century to the present.

Many of the sculptures arrived at the MIC thanks to the Faenza Prize, active since 1938, international since 1963, and to donations from artists who saw the MIC as a point of reference for international ceramics.

The path shows the passage from languages more focused on technique and on the archetypes of the plate or of the vase, to the sculpture that follows the international artistic movements: pop art, informal, abstractionism, conceptual art, up to the recent results, union of different expressions, linked to installations and performances.

More than twenty nations are represented, in an evolution that reaches the present day and shows peculiar characteristics for each artistic tradition.


  • Betty Woodman, Teapot

  • Jocić-Knežević Ljubica, Analysis and implementation of the global game plan

  • Sueharu Fukami, Shun II (Act II)
