Governing bodies
Eugenio Maria Emiliani
Curriculum vitae →
Tel. +39 0546 697311
Fax +39 0546 27141
Appointed by order of the Mayor no. 11 of 29 October 2020 (Foundation acts: prot. n. 812.I.8 – 29.10.2020) Assignment duration up to 28/10/2024.
There are no fees or other charges to be borne by the public authorities.
Board of Directors
Vittorio Argnani*
Curriculum vitae →
Board Member
Massimo Feruzzi*
Curriculum vitae →
Board Member
Elisa Guidi*
Curriculum vitae →
Board Member
*Nominated by the Meeting of Members by act n. 6 del 02/12/2020. Duration of appointment: to 14/12/2024. There are no fees or other charges to be borne by the public authorities.
Faenza Town Municipality
Ravenna Province
Ravenna chamber of commerce
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena
Foundation Banca del Monte e Cassa di Risparmio Faenza
Foundation Cassa dei Risparmi di Forli
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Imola
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini
Banca di Romagna – Gruppo Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena
LA BCC. Credito Cooperativo ravennate forlivese e imolese
CNA Ravenna Province
Confartigianato Ravenna Province
Cometha Soc. Coop. p.a.
Confindustria Ceramica
Diemme Enologia S.p.A.
Sacmi Imola
GVM Care & Research S.p.A. Gruppo Villa Maria
Soc. Coop. Cooperativa Cultura e Ricreazione
Soc. Coop. Zerocento Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Soc. Coop. In Cammino Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Board of control
Philip Lo Piccolo
Nominated by Meeting of Membres by act n. 2 of 06/14/2022.
Duration of appointment 4 years.
Deputy control
Luigi Bettoli
Nominated by Meeting of Membres by act n. 2 of 06/14/2022.
Duration of appointment 4 years.
ART. 1
- The Foundation called “MIC – Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza – O.N.L.U.S.” is hereby established. It is compulsory to use the words “non-profit organisation of social utility” or the acronym “ONLUS” in the name and in any distinctive sign or communication addressed to the public.
- The Foundation was established with the support of the Municipality of Faenza, the Province of Ravenna, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Ravenna and the Founders.
- La Foundation has seat in Faenza,Via Campidori, 2.
ART. 2
1. The Foundation “MIC – Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza – O.N.L.U.S.” in the exclusive pursuit of aims of social solidarity, proposes to provide, for purposes of general utility:
- the protection, promotion and enhancement of the cultural and historical heritage of ceramic art, both nationally and internationally;
- the concessionary management of the International Ceramics Museum in Faenza;
- the undertaking and development of all collateral activities useful for the valorisation of the historical and artistic heritage, including the organisation of additional dissemination and training initiatives in the museum, research and restoration in the field of ceramics, and dissemination through appropriate publishing activities;
- the development of activities to promote culture and art, also in agreement with public and private partnerships;
- to support the ceramic tradition also through specific cultural, museum and exhibition initiatives
- to look for resources to be allocated to acquisitions aimed at increasing and enriching the collections, in a dynamic concept of the Museum, also with a view to increasing its assets; to enhance the synergies between the historical tradition of Faenza ceramics and current production.
2. The Foundation may not carry out any activities other than those indicated in letter a) of Art. 10, 1° comma, D.Lgs. 4.12.1997 n.460, except the ones directly connected.