
EasyReading fonts

Click on the button to navigate the site with the EasyReading font designed to help you decipher written words smoothly and instantly.


Inside each room you will find QR codes highlighting must-see works. For each of these you can listen to an audio description or read an in-depth text.

Visiting route for the visually impaired

At the beginning of each section you will find relevant introductions written in braille. In each room there are in-depth features to the most important works of which you can read the text in easy reading or listen to an audio description by framing the QR Code.

In addition, we implemented a pilot project for tactile enjoyment of the works in the Folk Pottery Hall, ceramic designs and coverings from the past to the future.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Francesco Cavazza Institute for the Blind and with the contribution of the Savings Bank Foundation of Ravenna

Visiting route for deaf people

Two deaf people tell everyone about the MIC in Faenza. In collaboration with Fiadda (Association for the Rights of Deaf People and Families) and with the contribution of the Emilia Romagna Region (ACCESs project), MIC has created some educational video paths – accessible to all – introductory to the museum rooms dedicated to deaf people, and not only!

An increasingly inclusive museum

Find out, from 1 to 9, our strengths.