Education for schools and projects for the most fragile

MIC’s “Playing with Ceramics” workshop was inspired by the teachings of Bruno Munari in the late 1970s. In our workshop courses, playing is the starting point for exploring the technique and history of ceramics, developing manual skills and letting your imagination run wild. To schools of all levels – from kindergarten to secondary and university – we offer a multidisciplinary approach: guided tours, workshops to learn the history and technique of ceramics and make connections with other disciplines, with even the possibility, upon request, to do the workshops directly in the classroom together with one of our operators.
Our workshop is available to the community to design free of charge personalized paths and activities aimed at people with fragility.
Free admission: Faenza schools and students, preschool, primary, 1st grade secondary | admission 4 €: 2nd grade secondary, University (+ 1 euro during temporary exhibitions) | workshop 6 € | guided tour 50 € Download brochure 2024/2025

All our proposals: workshops and visits

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MIC for all – Projects for the most fragile

History of the workshop “Playing with Ceramics”

The workshop was conceived by Director Gian Carlo Bojani, who decided to entrust it to Bruno Munari, mindful of the experience seen at the Brera Art Gallery in spring ’77. On the experimental idea of the well-known designer, an innovative teaching method applied to ceramics was thus born.

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