A prominent blue. Cobalt blue over the centuries and the charm of “zaffera” in relief

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Through the reconstruction of a technical-stylistic journey, with classroom lecture and visit to MIC’s collections, the use of cobalt blue in ceramics will be illustrated. Starting with a focus on fifteenth-century majolica decorated with “zaffera” its possible origins and twentieth-century reinterpretations, a demonstration of relief decoration with enamels on maiolica will be performed in the laboratory, providing all the technical data related to its execution.


Lecturers: Mirco Denicolò, Anna Maria Lega, Valentina Mazzotti, Dario Valli

Date: 23 September 2023

hours: 10 am-1 pm 2-5 pm

registration fee: 150 euros

(50 euros for students enrolled in ISIA and the IFTS course for Ceramic Technician in Faenza)

Reservation required by September 1, 2023 at this mudulo.

Info: 0546 697306, giocareconlaceramica@micfaenza.org

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