It expires on Jan. 31, 2024, for the call for entries for the 13th edition to the Mino Biennial of Ceramics in Japan, a competition that originated back in 1986.

Two hundred works will be selected to be exhibited at the MINO Ceramics Park in Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture from October to November 2024.

Recently, new developments have been called for in the field of ceramics with new materials, new technologies and currents beyond the narrow boundaries of ceramics. The Mino Competition is looking for unconventional ideas that open doors to the future of ceramics.

Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2024.


“The Future of Ceramics” Nominations should go beyond traditional concepts in an imaginative and inspired way that opens the door to the future of ceramics.



Ceramic arts category: Sugaya Tomio (chief judge), Tashima Etsuko, Rupert Faulkner, Claudia Casali, Cho Hyeyoung

Ceramic Design Category: Ishizaki Yasuyuki (Chief Judge), Yoshida Ryutaro, Yamada Setsuko, Patrick Reymond, Yokoyama Ikko


Information and registration.

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